In accordance with the Montessori Philosophy, TIMS provides a large range of educational materials to complement the children’s social development. The classrooms are organized to include the following areas:
Language has four main aspects, namely, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Listening and reading are related. Speaking and writing are both means of self-expression. In the Montessori Method of education reading is taught by the phonetic method. Our whole system for teaching reading is based on teaching the child the sounds made by each letter of the alphabet.
The Montessori Method allows the child to discover patterns and rules for himself, through handling the apparatus and progressing gradually from the manipulation of physical objects, to the symbolic representation of numbers on paper. This method lays a foundation for the relevance of numbers in our environment and leads to true enjoyment of mathematics.
In the Montessori classroom sensorial education comes about through activity. This is why the sensorial materials are provided for the children. The great appeal of these materials is that they are tactile and meet the need that the children feel to explore with their hands. In this area of learning knowledge of dimension, size and shape are gained.
Cultural subjects in Montessori terms are the areas of knowledge which enrich the child’s understanding of all aspects of the world in which he/she lives. Under this heading the various branches of science, geography, history, music and arts & crafts are included, together with any other subject which may enrich the mind of the child.
Practical Life
What is a practical life exercise? The basic principle behind the practical life exercises is that they are real life experiences and not make believe. Practical life exercises are designed to teach children life skills. By performing these exercises the child learns skills such as dexterity and improved hand eye coordination. It refines their gross and fine motor skills and develops concentration skills. Practical life experiences allow the child to satisfy his/her need to acquire self-knowledge and self-confidence, and most importantly of all, they encourage the child to become independent.